It’s important to learn the vocabulary that will support and enhance your character study for your new role in The Magical Theatre, so I suggest you make an effort to add new definitions to your point of view each week.
Hell: The short definition of a fear based belief system. A place of great suffering where love is conditional, the good times are limited and acceptance has endless conditions attached.
Hope and Potential Demons; and their good buddy, Wishful Thinking: Hope is one of those curious places the mind goes; it doesn’t actually create any harm, but it lulls us into inaction while offering no result. Hope is sometimes mistaken for a technique. We had falsely believed because Hope stayed in Pandora’s box, its ravages didn’t affect humans like the trail of tears left by the other demons. With Hope by your side, we can invest in someone’s Potential, but in spite of Wishful Thinking, Hope has nothing to do with someone else’s potential. Hope and Potential may be the biggest curse of all, as their power exists in the inaccessible future. The Hope demon says you’ll be happy when you do _______ (fill in the blank). The Potential demon says you’ll be happy when someone or something else does _______ (fill in the blank). Wishful Thinking keeps you circulating back to the other demons by telling you “it will be different this time.” we can only do or feel anything in the now, not in the future.
Image of Perfection: An unobtainable somewhat ridiculous personal vision inspired by the judge. The judge keeps our attention hooked by aligning the goal posts to something just out of reach and then moving the goal posts as we "improve". This distortion arose NOT out of us being imperfect but about being blind to the truth of our magnificence. The quest for it implies that we are intrinsically flawed and that something will make us appear better. Once again and then again the quest strengthens the Lie of Our Imperfection. In fact we are born whole and perfect without need for improvement and in the likeness of the One who created us.
False Image: We master who we think we are and live our life on auto-pilot. We have two primary images. The first is a tightly controlled image that we assume makes us most acceptable in the eyes of others and so we project it out into the world. We modify this image at will. The second is based on our judgments and perceived failings, laced with disproportionate judgment and shame and held secretly within. Both are based on what or how our inner judge has assessed how we should be while all the while disregarding the good news. We’ve habituated this process so profoundly we are hardly aware of its existence. Freedom of choice, lies unbidden in the shadow.
Impeccable: The highest possible thought or action you can put forth. As you evolve, the level of your highest possibility advances with you.
Gini Gentry -
Hell: The short definition of a fear based belief system. A place of great suffering where love is conditional, the good times are limited and acceptance has endless conditions attached.
Hope and Potential Demons; and their good buddy, Wishful Thinking: Hope is one of those curious places the mind goes; it doesn’t actually create any harm, but it lulls us into inaction while offering no result. Hope is sometimes mistaken for a technique. We had falsely believed because Hope stayed in Pandora’s box, its ravages didn’t affect humans like the trail of tears left by the other demons. With Hope by your side, we can invest in someone’s Potential, but in spite of Wishful Thinking, Hope has nothing to do with someone else’s potential. Hope and Potential may be the biggest curse of all, as their power exists in the inaccessible future. The Hope demon says you’ll be happy when you do _______ (fill in the blank). The Potential demon says you’ll be happy when someone or something else does _______ (fill in the blank). Wishful Thinking keeps you circulating back to the other demons by telling you “it will be different this time.” we can only do or feel anything in the now, not in the future.
Image of Perfection: An unobtainable somewhat ridiculous personal vision inspired by the judge. The judge keeps our attention hooked by aligning the goal posts to something just out of reach and then moving the goal posts as we "improve". This distortion arose NOT out of us being imperfect but about being blind to the truth of our magnificence. The quest for it implies that we are intrinsically flawed and that something will make us appear better. Once again and then again the quest strengthens the Lie of Our Imperfection. In fact we are born whole and perfect without need for improvement and in the likeness of the One who created us.
False Image: We master who we think we are and live our life on auto-pilot. We have two primary images. The first is a tightly controlled image that we assume makes us most acceptable in the eyes of others and so we project it out into the world. We modify this image at will. The second is based on our judgments and perceived failings, laced with disproportionate judgment and shame and held secretly within. Both are based on what or how our inner judge has assessed how we should be while all the while disregarding the good news. We’ve habituated this process so profoundly we are hardly aware of its existence. Freedom of choice, lies unbidden in the shadow.
Impeccable: The highest possible thought or action you can put forth. As you evolve, the level of your highest possibility advances with you.
Gini Gentry -
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